Elks National Foundation (Donation)
Lake Fund (Donation)
Scholarship Fund (Donation)
Building Fund (Donation)
KETCH (Donation) - Major Project Fund
Life Member Dues - 1 Year $53.75
Youth Activities Fund (Donation)
Lady Elks Dues (optional) $ 5.00
Regular Member Dues - 1 Year $86.50
Chanute Elks Lodge No. 806
Elks Riders Dues (optional) $10.00
ENF Donor Levels: $10 Friend of ENF; $100 Participating Member; $250 Sustaining Member; $500 Distinguished Member; $1,000 Honorary Founder
Kid's Christmas Fund (Donation)
You can always mail a check or pay at the Lodge.
Chanute Elks Lodge No. 806, PO Box 806, Chanute, KS 66720-0806
Range Dues (optional) $30.00
Lake Gate Key (optional) $10.00
Reinstatement Fee $20.00
(Required if you let your dues laps for more than 1 year.)
Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped